The Group

Established in 2019 at ETH Zurich’s Department of Environmental Systems Science, at the Soil Resources (SR) group our passion is to study environmental processes, in particular related to soil development and biogeochemical cycling, aiming to understand how these cycles interact and are affected by humans. We are working highly interdisciplinary using a wide range of methods and across both spatial and temporal scales, including:
- Global and regional scale soil dynamics and biogeochemical cycling along geo-climatic gradients. Involving, experiments, models, remotes sensing and geostatistics.
- Land degradation and soil mobilization within complex landscapes
- Soil development and soil alteration in high latitudes and altitudes
- Improving our understanding of plant-microbiota-soil interactions in relation to pedogenesis, geochemistry and human activity
Our research is often located in areas that are still understudied and that are facing grave climatic and land use changes in upcoming decades such as Tropical Africa, High Latitude Environments and High Altitude Environments. SR is member and supporter of ETH’s World Food Systems Center, the ETH4D initiative, the external page Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center, the external page Congo Biogeochemistry Observatory and external page Open Innovation in Life Sciences.
Our research enables us to collaborate frequently with Research and NGO groups such as: external page Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, external page Kyaninga Forest Foudnation (KFF), external page World Agroforestry Centre Nairobi (ICRAF) , external page International Institude of Tropical Agriculture Kalambo / Bukavu (IITA), external page Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), external page Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) and external page Agroscope.
The Soil Resources Group and its members are part of the following organizations:
ETH4D - ETH for Development
external page EGU - European Geosciences Union
external page AGU - American Geophysical Union
external page BGS - Swiss Soil Science Society
external page DBG - German Soil Science Society
external page CBO - Congo Biogeochemistry Observatory
external page PSC - Zurich Basel Plant Science Center
WFSC - World Food System Center
external page OILS - Open Innovation in Life Sciences