Successful PhD defense of Benjamin Bukombe!
Benjamin Bukombe defended his thesis sucessfully on the 30th of June 2023!
An award for Gina Garland!
Gina Garland received at EGU 2023 an Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award! Congratulations!
Congratulations Shane!
Shane Stoner successfully defended his PhD thesis on the 6st of March 2023!
Watch the inaugural lecture of Sebastian Dötterl
The inaugural lecture of Sebastian Dötterl at ETH Zurich has been recorded and the video is now online available.
Open Postdoc position
The position includes research and teaching on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, with experience in GIS data integration and spatial statistics.
Open Master thesis on the impact of antibiotics on crops
Our new group "Soil Ecology of Agricultural Landscapes" has an open position for a Masters student to investigate how antibiotics in fertilizers derived from human excreta affect crop above- and belowground biomass, yields, and health.
Inaugural lecture of Sebastian Dötterl: Soil resource dynamics in a changing world
The inaugural lecture of Prof. Sebastian Dötterl will take place on the 3rd of November 2021.
3 open PhD positions in our new project on Arctic Greening and the role of soil development
The PhD theses will investigate effects of climate change on the interactions between soil, plants and microbiota in the Arctic.
Open MSc thesis on soil erosion and rock-derived plant nutrients in the tropics
This open Master thesis aims to investigate the effect of erosion on the availability of rock-derived plant nutrients in the humid tropics of Africa.
Award Lectures from EGU 2021
Following EGU21 digitally? Listen to this year’s Award and medal lectures in the Soil System Sciences division.
Open BSc thesis: The effect of climate change on nutrients in alpine soils.
We currently have a BSc thesis available, where you can investigate whether changing climate increases the availability of rock-derived nutrients to plants in alpine soils.
New membership with Open Innovation Life Sciences
The SR group is now proud member of Open Innovation Life Sciences.
New arctic greening project awarded funding by ETH+ Grant
New project coming to SR: Arctic Greening in Svalbard.
Dr. Gina Garland to receive a PRIMA grant!
We are happy to announce the SNF funding of Gina's project, entitled Understanding the impacts of antibiotics from human excreta derived fertilizers on the soil-microbial-plant nexus.
POSTPONED - Inaugural lecture of Prof. Dr. Sebastian Dötterl: Soil resource dynamics in a changing world

The inagugral lecture of Prof. Dr. Sebastien Dötterl will be rescheduled for spring/summer 2021.
Impressions from our last Svalbard field campaign
The recently released video shows impressions from our latest field campaign in Svalbard last summer 2019.
Call for Abstracts EUROSOIL 2020 Session 4.01
For the session "coupling of soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles" at EUROSOIL 2020, abstracts for oral presentations and posters can be submitted until February 20.
Sebastian Dötterl to receive a 2020 EGU Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award
EGU announced the "2020 Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award" in the Soil Systems Science Division to Sebastian Dötterl.
The Soil Resources research group is now a member of ETH World Food System Center

Raising awareness for the limitation of soil resources, their dynamics and the services they provide, we want to improve soil preservation and contribute to a sustainable human nutrition.
First article about the TropSOC project published
The TropSOC project is reported in EU Research.