
Successful PhD defense of Benjamin Bukombe!

An award for Gina Garland!

Congratulations Shane!

Watch the inaugural lecture of Sebastian Dötterl

Open Postdoc position

Open Master thesis on the impact of antibiotics on crops

Inaugural lecture of Sebastian Dötterl: Soil resource dynamics in a changing world

3 open PhD positions in our new project on Arctic Greening and the role of soil development

Open MSc thesis on soil erosion and rock-derived plant nutrients in the tropics

Award Lectures from EGU 2021

Open BSc thesis: The effect of climate change on nutrients in alpine soils.

New membership with Open Innovation Life Sciences

New arctic greening project awarded funding by ETH+ Grant

Dr. Gina Garland to receive a PRIMA grant!

POSTPONED - Inaugural lecture of Prof. Dr. Sebastian Dötterl: Soil resource dynamics in a changing world

Impressions from our last Svalbard field campaign

Call for Abstracts EUROSOIL 2020 Session 4.01

Sebastian Dötterl to receive a 2020 EGU Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award

The Soil Resources research group is now a member of ETH World Food System Center

First article about the TropSOC project published