Sebastian Dötterl to receive a 2020 EGU Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award
EGU announced the "2020 Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award" in the Soil Systems Science Division to Sebastian Dötterl.
The Soil Resources research group is now a member of ETH World Food System Center

Raising awareness for the limitation of soil resources, their dynamics and the services they provide, we want to improve soil preservation and contribute to a sustainable human nutrition.
First article about the TropSOC project published
The TropSOC project is reported in EU Research.
Marco Griepentrog published an article about leaf-wax hydrogen-isotopic signatures of plants in equatorial East Africa
The article has been published in Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 263
Introduction of Prof. Sebastian Dötterl
The Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS) introducted Prof. Sebastian Dötterl and his research group.