Dr. Gina Garland to receive a PRIMA grant!
We are happy to announce the SNF funding of Gina's project, entitled Understanding the impacts of antibiotics from human excreta derived fertilizers on the soil-microbial-plant nexus.
POSTPONED - Inaugural lecture of Prof. Dr. Sebastian Dötterl: Soil resource dynamics in a changing world

The inagugral lecture of Prof. Dr. Sebastien Dötterl will be rescheduled for spring/summer 2021.
Impressions from our last Svalbard field campaign
The recently released video shows impressions from our latest field campaign in Svalbard last summer 2019.
Call for Abstracts EUROSOIL 2020 Session 4.01
For the session "coupling of soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles" at EUROSOIL 2020, abstracts for oral presentations and posters can be submitted until February 20.