Alina Widmer

(Alina Widmer)
ETH Zürich
Doctorate D-USYS
Alina Widmer
Professur für Bodenressourcen
CHN F 28.2
Universitätstrasse 16
8092 Zürich, Switzerland
ORCID: external page
Additional information
Research area
I am studying the environmental impacts of paddy rice cultivation in Switzerland focusing on greenhouse gas balance, water use, and transformation of soils under flooded conditions. This part of the paddy rice project is a collaboration of Agroscope Reckenholz and the Department of Environmental System Science at ETH in Zurich.
Curriculum Vitae
- Since January 2023: PhD Candidate, research group Soil Ressources, Department of Environmental System Science, ETH Zurich
- 2019-2022: Semester assistant in Soil Science and Biogeochemistry
- 2015-2022: Bachelor and Master in Physical Geography at University of Zurich